Our Student 服务 are centered on creating supportive opportunities for students to connect with peers over shared passions and purpose. We offer a comprehensive program of activities and services geared to promote inclusion, 阴谋, 独立, 社区参与. Our priority is to provide an engaging environment that equips students to discover and develop their personal and professional leadership potential.
Leadership pursuits 社区参与 are at the core of 正规博彩十大网站. Those who join our circle of learning commit to a lifelong journey of intellectual and personal growth, 领导力和服务他人的能力. All students must agree to uphold the tenets of the 正规博彩十大网站 Student Covenant, which is inspired by the six pillars of Davidson Hall.
- Conduct myself with integrity and be responsible for my actions and their consequences.
- Respect the rights, property, culture, and beliefs of others.
- Engage myself as an honorable scholar inside and outside of the classroom.
- Hold myself and others accountable for the sustainability of our environment.
- Offer my knowledge and creativity to serve my community.
- Contribute to the wider world through a continued pursuit of knowledge.
As Davidson Hall serves as the center landmark of our campus, so shall these six tenets serve as the foundation for my actions and decisions as a member of this community. By pledging to these tenets, I obligate myself to honor the principles that define 正规博彩十大网站.
The 学生成功中心 工作s collaboratively with 教师 and 工作人员 to ensure students are moving towards personal, 学术, 职业目标. 学生的成功 Coaches help connect assigned students to campus resources, 发展他们的职业目标, and troubleshoot challenges that may arise during their Coker experience. They also help students evaluate their strengths, 领导的利益, 值, and goals early in their 学术 career and channel those criteria into successful net工作s, 实习, 和导师.